Bhante Buddharakkhita Pays a Courtesy Visit to Most Ven. Dr. Sitagu Sayadaw
After participating in the celebrations of the United Nations Day of Vesak, Bhante paid a courtesy visit to the Most Ven. Dr. Ashin Nyanissara (Sitagu Sayadaw) at Sitagu International Vipassana Academy (where Sitagu Sayadaw resides) in Sagaing, Myanmar. Bhante delivered copies of a book that highlights Sitagu Sayadaw’s visit to Uganda in April 2017.
The visit also intended to once again invite Most Ven. Sitagu to Uganda in the year 2020, and to update Sitagya Sayadaw on the construction plans at UBC. Construction of decent accommodation for both monastics and laities was postponed as there was a timely need to acquire more land for UBC. Resources were used to purchase land adjacent to the Centre for expansion. The price of land in Garuga area (where the temple is situated) keeps skyrocketing every day, so buying it now is timely and an indispensable investment. Construction is expected to start as soon as funds are available.
Furthermore, 5 children are expected to travel to Myanmar to train as novice Buddhist monks under the guidance of Most Ven. Dr. Sitagu Sayadaw.
Bhante later witness a convocation of Diploma graduates at SItagu International Buddhist Academy (SIBA). During the convocation, Sitagu Sayadaw asked his audience to repeat after him 3 times:
- Ethical conduct supports wisdom; wisdom support Ethical conduct
- Ethical conduct supports wisdom; wisdom support Ethical conduct
- Ethical conduct supports wisdom; wisdom support Ethical conduct.
He added that,
To achieve wisdom we have to practice Vipassana (insight meditation) in order to uproot greed, hatred and delusion. Insight meditation is the way to peace. Without insight meditation we cannot achieve peace!
He established Sitagu International Vipassana Academy to training people in Vipassana meditation.