UBC Constructs a Computer Laboratory, Dining Room and Garage

UBC Constructs a Computer Laboratory, Dining Room and Garage

The new building is comprising a dining room, a computer laboratory and a garage. Lately, rains have always been interrupting monks during their meals, and other guests that we have always had at the Temple. Somewhere to have meals has been always challenging. Those who have been at the temple, you can attest this fact.

As for the computer laboratory, it has come at a time of critical need. We received 12 computers from members of the Buddhist fellowship of Singapore. These computers are going to set up to offer computer training programmes to members of the community. While the rest of the world has advanced technologically and access to information is at a snap of their finger, in this part of the world, people have no access to information except a few who can afford televisions. The training will also provide computer based employable skills including graphics designing, software programming, website design and development, MS office management, entrepreneurship development and so on. These trainings are also envisioned to set in motion wheel of an international African Buddhist college for mind and heart training and to produce leaders who will sustainably contribute to their respective communities.

After the building was complete however, it was identified that there were many spots leaking that led to the damage of ceiling boards. We had to re-roof the entire building. We just hope that the new roof will not leak so that we can start rolling with our computer training programme.

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