UBC Invests in Green Renewable Energy and Environment Project (GREEP)
We are very happy to announce – our new project—GREEP. The project was initiated to reduce our expenses on cooking and generate income that would sustain the Uganda Buddhist Centre and its activities into the future. As the Temple grows, our needs have grown into requiring more special projects to generate income that will support these critical needs. Ranging from monastic requisites, to other project needs.
We have carried out ample research and we now believe that the only way for safeguard the future of Buddhism in Africa is to invest in areas that will make credible returns while adhering and keeping in mind the Buddhist tenets of business.
GREEP recycles, reduces and reuses waste materials such as charcoal dust to make “Briquettes” that are used in cooking on stoves. The dust is mixed with watery clay soil and porridge/molasses. We have three manual machines that lay these briquettes.
We have built a solar dryer (sort of green house) for drying the briquettes. We also have built a temporary storage for the briquettes that are ready for sale.
To make GREEP more lucrative, we need to build one more solar dryer at a cost of US$ 1,350.
Furthermore, we need to buy a pre-owned truck (pickup car) at a cost of US$ 13,600 to collect raw materials (charcoal dust) and delivering of ready briquettes to various buyers.