BPS Receives Support from Fortuna Ltd

BPS Receives Support from Fortuna Ltd

We would like to thank and celebrate Fortuna Ltd for their generous donation of scholastic items and other school supplies to the Buddhist Peace School. These educational materials worth 10m Uganda Shillings will enable our students to expand their knowledge and develop crucial skills. The stationery will allow them to express their creativity and engage in effective learning.

We also want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Shyam Krishnar for his generous contribution and for setting a remarkable example of corporate social responsibility. By supporting the Buddhist Peace School, you play a significant role in shaping the future of our children and our community.

Education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty, create opportunities for personal development, and contribute to the overall progress of a society. The Buddhist Peace School is dedicated to providing access to quality education for children who might not have had this privilege otherwise.

We invite everyone who believes in the power of education and the importance of peace to contribute to this cause. Your donations, whether in the form of scholastic materials, financial support, or your time and expertise, can make a world of difference.

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