Improving Access to Safe Water at Lakeside Preparatory School

Improving Access to Safe Water at Lakeside Preparatory School

Before October 27, pupils of Lakeside Preparatory Primary School would walk to the lake to collect unsafe water. This hindered their classroom activities and were at risk of contracting waterborne diseases. Things have rather changed when a hand-pump borehole was drilled at the school.

With the Uganda Buddhist Centre support as part of its Water and Sanitation Program, funded by, the newly drilled borehole will provide the school with a safe water source and improved hygiene and sanitation.

The new borehole was launched by Most venerable Bhante Buddharakkhita on October 27, 2019 which was also a cultural day for the school. In an expression of their gratitude, the school committee headed by Ms. Nakavuma offered fruits and other gifts to Bhante Buddharakkhita, an act that is very unusual.

In her letter of appreciation, the head teacher Ms. Nakavuma Pauline Sanyu, says that “…there is no way we can express our joy to you but through this letter, from the bottom of our hearts, we are really grateful for the borehole…” with unlimited supply of safe drinking water, children of Lakeside Preparatory School have more time to concentrate on their studies without having any worries of having to look for unsafe water from the lake.

The school is located along the shores of Lake Victoria about 4km from UBC with over 150 children. is an Australian based non-profit organisation that support humanitarian activities worldwide.

This borehole is one of our efforts to provide every individual in the community safe and clean water and to ensure that children in school have the best chance of success without any hindrance.


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